Saturday, February 6, 1999 11:00:00 AM ][2Mac v1.3.0.sea 299K A new version of ][2Mac has been released recently and can be downloaded from my homepage ][2Mac is a set of 3 applications, 1 for the Mac and 2 for the Apple-][, that allow you to backup and restore Apple-][ floppies to/from a Mac. The floppy-image is stored on the Mac in a format that is recognized by IIe, the Apple //e emulator for the Mac, written by Victor and Vincent Tan (see: One of the users of ][2Mac even reported, that he has successfully transferred DOS 3.3-, ProDOS- as well as Pascal-formatted disks from his Apple //e to his Mac, and that he is using the diskimages now on his Mac, in the IIgs emulator called 'Bernie ][ the Rescue' (see: Also... ][2Mac enables you to use a Macintosh to send out and receive Apple-][-disks to and from your friends over the internet... Version history: 06-feb-1999, v1.3.0 -The Apple-][ programs will now better explain errormessages that show up -Added a 'Save as Set' filemenu item, so that you can define settings for more than just one Apple-][ to Mac connection. Doubleclicking on a '][2Mac SaveSet'-file will force ][2Mac to load the settings from that very Save-Set Kind regards, __ /_/ _/ _ ___ / / (_/ (_/ / / / Adam van Gaalen internet: or: www: ICQ: 4011344 hamradio: or: